Appliance standards: the best climate policy that you have never heard of

Appliance standards infographic

Last month, the Appliance Standards Awareness Project reminded us of the importance of federal appliance standards as a climate change policy. Standards are the second biggest energy-savings initiative in the U.S. (The CAFE vehicle fuel economy standards are the only policy that saves more energy.) Because of appliance standards, citizens pocket 500 dollars a year in savings on utility bills, and the US gets 11% of what it needs to meet the 2050 Paris Climate Treaty target.

So why have so few people even heard of appliance standards?

Energy efficiency is, by its nature, hidden to the untrained eye. The food is still cold in the fridge, the clothes come clean out of the washer, and the air conditioner keeps us cool.  We can’t tell that many appliances subject to state and federal standards are using less energy, saving us money, and lowering carbon emissions.

More work needs to be done to revise old and adopt new appliance standards that reduce energy use in California and the rest of the U.S. We look forward to continuing to support our clients in this important climate policy cornerstone.

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